
Windows-phone-7Looks like Windows is ramping up its apps cache. Today it was being reported that Windows Phone now has 30,000 apps! The Windows Phone Marketplace has seen close to 1000 new apps developed in the past two weeks and that number continues to climb.The most popular apps are games, which account for 17% of the marketplace – hardly surprising considering the same category is also the most popular on iOS and Android app stores. Educational and sports apps tied for second place both taking up 14% of the market each, followed by entertainment apps which came in as the fourth most popular at 11%.Of the 29,000+ apps currently on the market, 75% of those are in English with German being the second most popular language.

Currently 47% of the apps on the marketplace are free to download and use. A smaller 20% are trial-ware apps which ask you to pay after the trial is over and 8522 apps 33% require you to pay to be able to use them. More recently Microsoft has been trying to capitalize on the recent collapse of WebOS, as Brandon Watson offered developers the chance to develop for Windows Phone.


By rjcool

I am a geek who likes to talk tech and talk sciences. I work with computers (obviously) and make a living.

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